About us

"Travelling from place to place, in particular working or based in various places for relatively short periods."

This is a travel blog, where we will be exploring travel around the Globe. 

Your bloggers are:
Pim Somsriruen. I like travelling and my favourite country is Japan. My hobbies are reading and drawing. I'm currently studying Accounting.

Jiaqi dai. Taiwan is a interesting place that i have been to. . My hobbies are music & travelling.  Currently studying BIT( B&A).

Lara Cunningham - I'm really into backpacking; I did a 6 month backpacking trip around Europe in 2015. My favourite country is Ireland, where my family is from. My hobbies are Netflix and history. I'm currently studying Ancient History (Rome and Greece).

Jess Harper - I've recently been travelling in Europe; Germany being my favourite of the places i've been. My hobbies are usually drawing and reading. Currently, studying IT.

Michaella Han - Only travels to be able to eat the local cuisine. Favourite country: Japan - goes every year.


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