

Yet another gorgeous location in Germany, this town is lively and teeming with life. Not only is it an amazing place to sight see, it also has plenty of history and the shopping is fabulous.

To the streets~!
The main streets are always bustling and street performers are regulars in this town. On this particular day we found some people playing Alphorn's. Quite an interesting sight if you've never seen them before.

Alphorn players


Once you've made you're way through the twisty turny streets you'll stumble upon the Kornmarkt.
This is the central square to the town of old and served as simple trading market as the name does suggest. Central to it is the historical and intricate Madonna Statue that has been around since 1718.
From the market, you can see the Heidelberg Castle atop the hill.

 Kornmarkt Station; a station for an odd machine called a Funicular. Two carriages attached by cables counterbalance each other to travel up the steep mountain. Its an interesting ride and provides a lovely view of the town below. Definitely the recommended transport up to the castle.

Heidelberg Castle is just as pretty as the sights and is fairly large with lots to explore. The cellars with giant barrels are especially cool.

The largest barrel - that you could stand on
Castle stage
Main courtyard
Town views from the Castle

Would definitely recommend for an peripatetic traveller out there!

Author: Jess Harper


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